Have I mentioned that I love Remodelaholic?


I don't know if you've picked up on this before, but I love Remodelaholic!!!! I've been following Cassity and her crew for a few years and just love her site. One of the things that I really love is that she always pays it forward. She is constantly featuring projects from other DIYers on her site and loves to help other bloggers out. I'm honored to say that this week I will be one of the bloggers she shows some love to! Remember this guy?

The finished product!!!
The finished product!!!

She has decided to make it her featured project this week! I'm beyond honored and was completely surprised that she wanted to share my project. You can check it out at here and when you are finished, you should peruse the entire Remodelaholic site. She has some amazing projects that will inspire you to do great things. So check it out and show her some Rozy Home love!
